Central London Branch

Chairman: Bob Stonehouse

The Central London Branch meets every month throughout the year, in Keen House (the Model Railway Club), close to King's Cross.

Branch meetings are held on the Third Friday of the month, beginning at 18:30 (doors open 18:00) and finishing about 21:15, with an interval. They take place in the John Anning Hall (the main hall on the first floor), in the Model Railway Club, Keen House, 4, Calshot Street, London N1 9DA. Light refreshments are available before the meeting and at the interval. A £5 donation per head per meeting is requested to cover our expenses. Ring the lower doorbell to gain entry to the premises.

Central London Branch Meetings

Following the lifting of Covid restrictions,
we have resumed live meetings at Keen House

Friday January 17th The Brighton Atlantic project Steve Pilcher 
Friday February 21st 71000 Duke of Gloucester Steve Wakeland 
Friday March 21st The 'Western' Diesel Hydraulic story Paul Bamber and Peter Finch
Friday April 25th (4th Friday) Railways at War;  archive material from Angola, Egypt and Iran Simon Colbeck
Friday May 16th Steam by Oil - East Africa in the 1970s Terry Bagworth
Friday June 20th India and Pakistan 1981 and 1987 Peter Robins
Friday July 18th To be announced  
Friday August 15th Members' images Omnes
Friday September 19th To be announced  
Friday October 17th Branch AGM and Members' images Members/Omnes
Friday November 21st The LCGB Tour to Japan 2023 Richard Awde
Friday December 19th The Great Indian Train Journey Colin Miell
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