The Club holds an Annual Reunion (for members and invited guests only) in London every year: an opportunity to meet up with your fellow members, and enjoy some excellent and informative presentations. This year's Annual Reunion, held on Saturday 20th January 2024, was, like last year's, a Combined Reunion (in place of the traditionally separate Annual (British oriented) and Overseas Reunions): it was highly successful and much enjoyed by all who attended. It featured presentations by Dick Crane on Oxford to Cambridge, then and now; Club President Charles Firminger on the UK Scene in 1962; Vice President Brian Garvin on last year's Club Tour to Japan; and Peter Robins on Cuba, featuring steam on the sugar mill railways.
Following the success of this year's event, thoughts are now turning to planning the next one in a year's time. The planned date is Saturday 11th January 2025, and it is expected that we will be returning to St Cyprian's Church, Glentworth Street, near Baker Street, London, NW1 6AX.